The Imperial War Museum North has become an iconic part of the Manchester skyline since it was built in 2002. Martin Ostermann, co-founder of magma architecture, was responsible for the project while working for Studio Daniel Libeskind from 1997 to 2003. Since then we have been involved in a number of projects aimed at adapting the building to changed uses and improving the visitor experience.
magma architecture were asked to re-organise and refurbish the ground floor and first floor of the Imperial War Museum – North, Manchester including the shop, orientation, learning studios and corporate hire facilities.The shop was moved into the route of the visitor to become an integral part of the visitors experience. The simple cut-rectangle shop furniture is open and cohesive. The learning studio can be opened to the foyer with large rotating walls. They contain coloured doors and shelves that create an enviroment for kids and school classes. The corporate hire facilities are on the first floor. They can be subdivided into two rooms and provide a contemporary communication and presentation system.